Sunday, 30 December 2012

Ski mountaineering racing finally comes to Scotland

I've organised lots of things in my life, but I have never organised a Ski Mountaineering race before.

However, yesterday, Skimo Scotland held the first ever Ski Mountaineering race in Scotland.

From a 26 strong starting list, 18 racers lined up to complete as many laps as possible in 90 minutes.

Thankfully the weather Gods, had left us some snow, dropped the wind speed but increased the temperature.

Trust me, climbing any winter route that I have done, is a damn site easier than organising these races!

Next race is at Glenshee on the 19th January.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Christmas and Avalanches

It must have been cold yesterday on the summit of Cairngorm because we were wearing all our clothes.

Certainly beats stuffing my face and gouching in front of the telly all day - obviously completely acceptable in the afternoon.

Today, Fran and Di fancied a change of scenery so headed towards Glenshee and had an amazing day following the avalanche debris.

The 3 big north west facing corries off the Glas Maol - Cairn of Claise ridge were some of the biggest I have seen for some time.

Time to sit in front of the telly and stuff my face now :)

Merry Christmas blogee's.

Monday, 17 December 2012

"make hay whilst the sun shines"

I survived the lecture theatre at Glenmore Lodge on Saturday evening.

If I am honest, the body wasn't up for much expect for a skin on Sunday [that will be the dancing and not the alcohol obviously].

Pretty large avalanche in Coire Cas on either Saturday night or early hours on Sunday morning - remember that the SAIS are now reporting and forecasting.

Entries close for the inaugural Skimo Scotland race, to be held at the Lecht on the 29th December, this coming weekend.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

sticil face

"The Sticil Crag, later named the Shelter Stone Crag, is a massive 800ft, north wall of slabby granite situated at the west end of Loch Avon.  It is one of the most imposing cliffs in Britain..." Cold Climbs

I love climbing a route, and then reading about it :)

One of my blogs will never do a route like this justice, but yesterday was of the best days I have ever had in the mountains.

Amazing views, an amazing route with some amazing company - there is lots to be said for climbing as a 3.

And like nearly all my experiences of climbing on the Shelter Stone, it always leaves the final sting until the very end :)

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

a very slow day

If I thought the drive over West was slow, it was nothing compared to the teetering slow walk into the Ben today ...

... and that was nothing compared to the slow swim up the route ...

... and that was absolutely nothing compared to the slow drive back home east.

Monday, 3 December 2012

what a difference a day makes

Not much to say today.

Walked in.

Wrong route choice.

Walked out.

Time for a time change of scenery.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

amazing everything conditions

There was lots of love on the hills today, especially from the tourers who for once probably outnumbered the hillwalkers and climbers.

Madeleine has never been to Scotland before and is now under the impression that it is like this every day in the mountains.

Today was all about the mileage, so that Madeleine can try out her new super duper boots in preparation for Aconcagua in a couple of weeks.

Into Coire an t-Sneachda, up onto the Fiacaill Ridge and then along the corrie rim before standing on Madeleine's first Munro - Cairngorm.

Madeleine also discovered that Di does know everybody on the mountain, and for those that she doesn't know, they know her!