Sunday, 27 April 2014

The Skimo Scotland PDG Team

If we could combine different parts of the 3 of us to make one, we would probably be quite strong.

We could have Alison's strong ski performance, Catrin's strong power house endurance and my altitude lungs.

However, we can't, so instead we will have Alison's strong skiing performance; Catrin's lungs that sound as if she has smoked 60 capstan full strength for the past 30 years and Di's duff knees. 

Really, if we can haul our arses around the course, we will be over the moon.

We have just returned from a mini break, bagging possibly the easiest 4000m peak there is.

Woke up this morning to about 30cm of fresh snow and wasn't particularly impressed that we had to pole down about 2000m in height gain.

Role on Tuesday evening :)

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Why I fly British Airways

1. Purchase 2 tickets to Aberdeen - Geneva using air miles - cost £35.00

2. Flight cancelled in Aberdeen due to fog.

3. BA provide lunch - free (£20.00)

4. BA provide taxi to hotel - free (£45.00)

5. BA provide rather nice hotel - free (£180.00)

6. BA provide dinner - free (£30.00)

7. BA provide taxi back to airport - free (£45.00)

I know that I am supposed to be tapering, but this is ridiculous ...

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Braeriach corries

If you aren't prepared to make the effort in Scotland, the skiing is always going to be somewhat limited.

Today, Team Girl decided to make the effort into Loch Coire nan Lochain on Braeriach.

To be honest, there actually wasn't too much carrying of the skis to be had.

But there was lots of this to be had:

Slope choice is crucial at present if you want to have that nice Spring snow descent unless you favour the teeth chattering descent.

More importantly 1/3 of the Skimo Scotland PDG team managed to successfully ski down without the knee brace and without any 'ouchies'.

Alps, here I come ...

Friday, 18 April 2014

Back on the hills

You could be anywhere in the UK today and have amazing views.

I decided to stay East and go for a bike, walk, run.  Tomorrow will be slightly different.

I have absolutely no idea what the next 2 photos are.  Some environmental study I can presume for the first one and then the second one is probably somebody demonstrating that they have more money than sense?  Sorry, but I really just don't get this art thing ...

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

It's all about the ascent

As 2/3 of the Skimo Scotland Patrouille des Glaciers team are ripping it up in the Alps - well, if I am honest there actually doesn't seem to be that much ripping to be done due to the conditions - the remaining 1/3 is trying to do her best to get as much ascent/descent done as possible.

That translates to walking (with a sense of urgency) in my books.

Oh, for the astute amongst you, you may have noticed a format change in the blog thing - why?  Simply preparing for the launch of the new website :)

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Winter is over ...

... well apart for a little thing later this month.

However, the winter climbing equipment is packed away; the big skis are packed away and the winter woolies are packed away.

Having spent the past few days up North West, I was slightly regretting packing the winter woolies away however.

It's certainly a bit too chilly (for me) for any series rock climbing but it is nice to pull the rock shoes out of the cupboard and wake the spiders up.

It's amazing how productive you can be when you get up at 0630 eager for a hill day but then it goes wrong with the gale force winds blowing in the garden.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Over West

I am supposed to be in the Alps training for the Patrouille des Glaciers, but instead I am far too busy taking photo's of voles.  Derek was very concerned that we would frighten him, but it was Louella who got the fright when the little mite crawled under her rucksack lid.  Note:  no harm done to said vole.

Louella has very nearly completed her Munro's but like most people, has to spend a few days ticking off the ones that somehow slipped under the radar.  First on the list were Aonach Mor and Aonach Beag - as soon as she mentioned approaching from Glen Nevis, there was a moment of grumble from the Gilbert, and a subtle (in true fashion obviously) nudge towards the Gondola.

Obviously the conditions were perfect:

No really, they were:

Thought it was really kind of Nevis Range to provide us with our very own private ski resort for the ski down.

Today, we walked rather a long way ticking off Stob Coire Sgriodain and Chno Dearg - according to McNeish they make "a marvellous ski touring outing".  

Obviously we were 4 weeks too late.