Friday, 31 July 2015

25 years

25 years of marriage is a pretty big deal in today's world.  I would assume that most couples making it this far in life together would like to mark this special occasion with a proper pampering holiday.

But then again, Pam & Gary are not your normal couple.

For the past 5 days we have avoided the heavy rain (nearly), enjoyed the views and ticked off all the Munros in the Cuillins.

What is more impressive, neither Pam nor Gary would call themselves climbers or scramblers.

Thank you so much for letting me enjoy the celebrations, and good luck for the next 25 years!

Friday, 24 July 2015

A rare visitor?

We saw a Mink!!!!!!

Thursday, 23 July 2015

What we done ....

What we done on our holibags:

#1 wobbled up some routes;

#2 decided to beat the rain and visit sandwood bay;

#3 decided to leave it for another day;

#4 thought what salty beef would taste like;

#5 bagged some very far north corbetts and 

#6 reminded ourselves what an amazing little country we live in.

Monday, 20 July 2015

Changing plans

Instead of complaining about the summer, we are going to embrace it.  We did pack the bolt climbing gear yesterday as we drove North but we also packed the dookers.

When we drove over the brow of the hill and saw the Gates of Mordor up ahead, we turned left instead.  Loch Duntelchaig - without doubt the coldest open water swim I have ever had.

Last night we were supposed to be Northbound to Lerwick but made the hard decision to cancel last minute.  So, the van is packed with wetsuit, snorkels, fins, climbing kit (ever hopeful) and running kit.  

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Webbed feet

With the exception of Thursday and Tuesday, it has been wet.

Now, there is wet and there is Skye wet.  The only good thing about the wet on Skye is that it keeps the midgies at bay.  Do people actually get paid to live on the Island?  

Apart from chumming around the Island with Clare I had tip top days working for the MCofS on their scrambling courses.  OK, the first 2 days were slightly grim and the camera refused to even get out of the rucksack but made an appearance for both Robert & Andy.

The best part of my job is giving kindred spirits the confidence to explore more challenging parts of mountains.

The MCofS provide a whole range of heavily subsidised courses for members.  To see the entire list, go here.

Monday, 6 July 2015


Mountain biking is self explanatory really.

It must take place in the mountains.  It must involve the ascent of at least one significant peak.  It must involve at least one section of hike-a-bike.  It must also involve at least one section of carry-a-bike.

Today, Clare & Di went mountain biking.  It definitely took place in the mountains; it took in 2 significant peaks; it involved numerous sections of hike-a-bike; and it also involved a rather steep carry-a-bike section.

It was probably the first [and probably the last] time that Clare will traverse a mountain pushing a mountain bike both in ascent in descent.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

There is only one thing worse than ...

... breaking in new rock shoes.  And that will be 2 climbers breaking in new rock shoes.

I always seem to have an adventure with Mick in the hills and yesterday was no exception.   We did briefly think about heading into the northern corries but the thought of standing in the shade wasn't too appealing so off to Creag Death it was.

We actually done some nice routes with the exception of the last one.  If you managed to battle through the holly bush:

you than had to contend with the rose thorns and then the grass top out.  

Just to top it off, the abseil took you into a pile of nettles.

Note to self:  must include strimmer and secateurs into the climbing rack next time.

On a very very positive note - the sun was out, the wind was blowing and it was all brought to an end with a BBQ.  Happy days.