... thats how long it took me to hitch a lift back to the car today.
Graham & Di are on standby for the Cuillin Ridge Traverse, so if someone can sort the weather out that would be great.
So instead of heading along the ridge and with a day's good forecast, I thought I would embark on another on Mr Wilson's Big Walks. Lets be honest, nothing was going to be as bad as the
last one, and with the going fast underfoot I was back in the car in about 4.5 hours.
I have often gone past Mad Meg's Cairn and wondered what the story was. According to local legend the cairn marks the grave of an 18th Century suicide, who was denied burial in the local kirkyards. Think about that next time you're in a snow hole.
More importantly, I have a new rucksack.
It is bright yellow.
It has go faster stripes.
It is only 10 litres.
As a result of this, all jelly babies were suitably squashed, before entering gob, having been squeezed into the side pocket.
Don't even ask what the malt loaf looked like.