Sunday 16 January 2011

You're fired...

On day one the entire staff team of the MCofS Norway ice climbing got sacked by Heather.

On day two I got sacked (again) by Heather for forgetting to collect the ice for the G&T's.

Then Mark commented that we actually never got reinstated after day one, and how we had all just worked for the MCofS free of charge.

George very nearly got sacked today for telling Heather that there was no way she was borrowing his screws, if fact I think his exact words were "that's like someone borrowing your wife..."

Al never got sacked today because he made dinner.

Mark also never got sacked today, but the night is still young.

Despite all the sacking in Number 3, Andy T & Graeme went to Krokan today and learnt "stuff".

Note to readers: Di's blog's tend to be very tongue-in-cheek.  We really haven't been fired and are a very harmonious team in Number 3.