Before the world of the internet, to learn if a route was in condition you would have to actually walk in to find out. Having had success of Emerald Gully on Saturday, this is exactly what Fran & I done on Sunday - without gear but that's another story altogether.
When we saw the ice on Sgùrr na Feartaìg we were sworn to secrecy until the planned assault of Monday. Needless to say that Derek required no persuasion when he saw the photos.
The Stonker is "a tremendous icefall" and has been on my radar for a couple of seasons now. Climbing a route like this in April is proof on how good the season really is.
Yesterday, armed with trainers (really the best sign of a good winter), we made the trek into Coire Dubh Mòr to climb a route that we knew had been climbed recently.
With only one team on Poachers Fall and us on Umbrella Fall, it really will be remembered as one of the best Easters that I have had.