We don't have to fit in a box and be either a climber or a skier. We can be both.
The very good thing about being a climber and a skier is that it normally works well with the conditions and the weather. Take this afternoon for example.
It is been cold recently with snow fall and light winds. All the buttresses are plastered and the snow is unconsolidated. Not idea climbing conditions to be honest: lots of trail breaking, blowing snow out of cracks and off ledges, and desperately looking for anything that you can actually yard up on. From a climbing perspective, we need a thaw and then a refreeze.
However, having lift fluffy snow is a dream to skin up and ski down. Good light gives excellent contrast which is essential for enjoyable skiing.
Therefore, during my play days, I let the conditions dictate what we do and this afternoon was certainly a 'whoop' day.